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To show still


The purpose of creation of this section – to help beginners to orient with "sea-okiyane" of producers of dry plaster mixes.

When in December, 1837 there was a fire in the Winter Palace at which in 30 hours completely burned out the 2nd and third floors of the huge building, nobody also could assume to himself that the palace will be managed to be restored less than in two years. It the technologies of construction existing then did not allow. But professionals got down to business, and the high aim demanded finding of new ways of the solution of difficult construction tasks. Many construction receptions and means, before nobody probovanny, were invented on this occasion.

"To build walls, to reduce the arches, to plaster, impose marble and gold, to paint and all this almost-at the same time, in the fall, in the winter; when, despite everything, chemical processes are inevitably made in lime, in glue, in a tree and metal! – To invent means: to take away from a frost its force, from dampness eya influence, from heat its property … And at all this not to recede from the main precept: "we will make quickly, and, despite obstacles about time and the nature, everything will be incomparable better, stronger, more gracefully, than ever became in the most favorable time and at the laziest slowness."  A. Bashutsky "Renewal of the Winter Palace in St. Petersburg"

After the end of World War II in the middle of last century already many countries had to cope with a similar task on the most part of Europe: the destroyed cities, the razbomblyonny or blown-up productions, the destroyed infrastructure. It was necessary to restore quickly or to anew build the cities in very poor conditions. It became the reason of an invention and development of new construction technologies and materials.

One of such technologies which cut duration of finishing works by half – use of dry construction mixes. Producers of plaster were engaged in development of a compounding and technology of use of dry mixes, priming materials and glues. Plaster mixes began to make with the exact in advance set properties at the enterprises where the dosage is carried out automatically. On construction objects plasterers need only to part correctly them and to apply on walls.

Emergence of dry mixes and also ready plaster solutions (in plastic buckets) allowed many owners of apartments, dachas and country houses who do not have craft education to perform plaster works as the hands.

The success and popularity of use of dry mixes was an incitement for emergence and development of many manufacturing companies. Their number grows, also the range of plaster mixes on counters increases. Everyone, the company respecting itself, production of one-two materials with the guaranteed quality tries not only to arrange, but also to expand a line of products.

Emergence of new construction materials, such as penopleks, tongue-and-groove plates, gas-concrete blocks, gypsum cardboard, demanded creation of the leveling plasters corresponding to them. Creation of new decorative effects moves innovators in the field of decorative mixes, for example, bark beetle plasters, silk or with effect a craquelure are popular nowadays. Finishing materials with new properties – liquid wall-paper, flokovy, magnetic plasters are invented. Also the range of special finishings – X-ray protective, heat-insulating, winter structures extends. And the companies – the producers seeking not to lag behind demand expand lines of the products, invent new materials, adapt for modern conditions unique ancient plasters, for example, the Venetian or the Moroccan.

Such conditions it becomes harder and harder for beginners to understand not only grades of dry mixes, but also already existing brands, and, therefore, process of selection of material for plastering becomes complicated. In this section guide we will place materials about the companies on which it is possible to rely their products and also about the novelties deserving attention.